The TBGTC1 open GTEM-cell adds to our existing portfolio of low-cost open TEM-cells for EMC pre-compliance testing. Unlike TEM cells, which have limits at higher frequencies, GTEM cells may operate up to many GHz.
Products can be examined for radiated emissions and immunity before and after EMC-related design changes using a spectrum analyzer with tracking generator, modulated power amplifier, and EMCview software.
The engineer can easily validate whether his changes improved or harmed the EMC performance, or if it stayed unaltered. The use of GTEM cells eliminates the need for guesswork.
When positioned vertically, the TBGTC1 requires just an area of 78 cm × 52 cm. The EUT can be conveniently placed on a supplied wooden board that rests on the GTEM-cell spacers.
- Septum Height: 250 mm at the location of the EUT-board
- Outer dimensions (LxWxH): 1452x780x520 mm
- Approx Cell Weight: 13 kg.
- Maximum EUT size (LxWxH): 200x200x150 mm
- Defined test volume (±3 dB < 3000 MHz, LxWxH): 100x100x100 mm
- GTEM cell connectors: N-female
- Nominal cell impedance: 50 Ohm
- Frequency range: 0.009 MHz – 6 GHz
- Wave impedance: 377 Ohm
- Maximum continuous RF input power: 600W
- VSWR: 1:1.3 typical, 1:1.9 max.
- Field uniformity on maximum test volume: up to 3 GHz < ± 6 dB
Das PRodukt ist in folgender Kategorie zu finden:
GTEM-, TEM- Cells, StriplineProduktgruppen
- Messtechnik
- Prüftechnik
- Labor
- VSWR- Brücken
- EMV- Software
- Antennas + Tripods
- Absorber- Cabins and Rooms
- GTEM-, TEM- Cells, Stripline
- Automotive Pulse - ISO
- Automotive Board Net - LV
- E- Mobility
- Special- Generators (Telecom, Power- Net,...)
- Industry- Pulse
- Harmonics and Flicker
- ESD- Testing
- Magnetic Fields
- RF- Immunity Testsystems
- Amplifiers
- CDN, LISN, Probes, Clamps
- EMC / RF- Accessories, TEKBOX
- AC/DC Quellen-Lasten
- CE-Prüfung
- Vorführgeräte
- Zubehör
- Aktionsprodukte