
The Best Value in Electronic Test & Measurement

SIGLENT TECHNOLOGIES is a global leader in research & development, engineering, manufacturing, sales and service support for electronic test and measurement equipment that combines innovative features and functionality with a strong commitment to quality and performance. SIGLENT is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Certified for its product quality and environmental management programs.

Company Overview

SIGLENT founders began developing digital oscilloscopes in 2002. After more than a decade  of research and development, our products include digital oscilloscopes, isolated handheld oscilloscopes, function/arbitrary waveform generators, DC power supplies, digital multi-meters, spectrum analyzers and other general test instruments. In 2005 SIGLENT produced the ADS 7000 series digital oscilloscope. From that point on our annual growth has been 50% or more every year. We’re proud to announce today that SIGLENT represents — The Best Value in Electronic Test & Measurement.

Siglent employs about 100 professional engineers working in several departments including hardware, software, industrial design, test, and the advanced equipment environmental lab, as well as a highly qualified management team and other technical professionals.

Commitment to Innovation

Innovation is one of the core values at SIGLENT. Nearly 15% of total sales are invested into research and development annually. SIGLENT has acquired a number of patents, with many of our core technologies leading a global trend. In 2005 our EasyHunting technology allowed a 2-4 times increase in the precision of SIGLENT oscilloscopes when compared with similar models. In 2010, the SDS1000CF digital oscilloscope was introduced with its 300 MHz bandwidth and four-channels, capturing a large segment of the small and medium-sized market. In 2011, SIGLENT launched the isolated handheld oscilloscope model SHS1000 series, which is a leading product domestically.

With our modern automated workshops, standard supply chain systems, a comprehensive production management system, and sales & service offices in the United States and Germany, SIGLENT is continually striving to design and build the best value products for our customers.


SIGLENT focuses on the electronic test & measurement instrument industry and sees research & development as a core competency, while keeping a strong competitive edge through technology innovation and strict quality control. Try a Siglent product. Then compare the performance and the features to any other model, any other brand. Then compare the price. We believe there is no better value anyplace.



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