GW Instek

Founded in 1975, Good Will Instrument Co., Ltd was the first professional manufacturer in Taiwan specializing in electrical test & measurement instruments. GW Instek began as a manufacturer of power supplies and quickly expanded into the development of high precision electronic test and measurement instruments.

After decades of experience in the test and measurement industry, GW Instek has grown to become one of the important manufacturers and developers of test and measurement instruments worldwide. Today GW Instek has more than 300 product items, ranging from oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, signal sources, basic test & measurement instruments to video surveillance systems. GW Instek has also seen its present growth internationally. With headquarters located in Taipei, Taiwan, GW Instek has subsidiaries in mainland China, America, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Europe, and India; its products are sold to more than 80 countries worldwide.

With a strong focus on high quality, economical measurement solutions for the educational and industrial manufacturing markets, Good Will Instrument has developed a solid brand image and reputation for reliability, integrity and innovation. From its inception, GW Instek has dedicated itself to becoming a professional electronic test and measurement designer and manufacturer, resulting in a number of national awards and the trust of customers world-wide; In 1993 Good Will Instrument became ISO 9002 accredited and the following year won the Highest Honor of National Outstanding SMEs (small and medium enterprises) Award from the Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs. In 2000, Good Will Instrument went public on the Taiwan Stock Exchange.

GW Instek has been a byword for quality electronic test & measurement instruments due to its decades of experience in R&D, marketing and manufacturing. GW Instek's reputation has been built upon the philosophy of integrity, quality, and creativity as well as the accumulation of years of experience. Focusing on the improvement of R&D, manufacturing and marketing competitiveness, GW Instek will continue to be one of the most reliable, trusted brands creating the highest value for customers. one of the important manufacturers and developers of test and measurement instruments worldwide. Today GW Instek has more than 300 product items, ranging from oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, signal sources, basic test & measurement instruments to video surveillance systems. GW Instek has also seen its present growth internationally. With headquarters located in Taipei, Taiwan, GW Instek has subsidiaries in mainland China, America, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Europe, and India; its products are sold to more than 80 countries worldwide.



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