The TBBCI1-800K420 is a snap-on Bulk Current Injection probe, expanding the Tekbox product range of affordable EMC pre-compliance test equipment.
The BCI probe has been designed primarily for conducted immunity testing of automotive products in the frequency range 1 MHz to 400 MHz, according to standard ISO11452-4. The insertion loss is 5 dB for most of its bandwidth. In the frequency range 250 kHz to 230 MHz it is compliant with the insertion loss specification of ISO11452-4. The probe is individually characterized and usable in the frequency range 10 kHz – 450 MHz. The probe can be used to inject severity levels I (60mA), II (100mA, III (150mA), IV (200mA) and customer specific severity level V up to 350 mA.
The probe can also be used for RF current monitoring applications.
The aperture of the RF current monitoring probe is 27 mm. The typical insertion loss is 5 dB and the typical transfer impedance is 26 dB Ohm.
Compliance: ISO 11452-4; IEC / EN 61000-4-6 insertion loss specification for BCI clamps above 250 kHz
- Characterized frequency range: 10 kHz to 500 MHz
- Insertion loss: 5 dB typ.; 50 Ohm system (100 Ohm loop impedance)
- Transfer impedance: 29 dB Ohm typ.; 50 Ohm system (100 Ohm loop impedance)
- Power rating: capable of injecting severity levels I, II, III, IV according to ISO 11452 and customer specified level V up to 350 mA
- Max. core temperature: 80 °C
- Connector type: N female
- Aperture diameter: 27 mm
- Outside diameter: 92 mm
- Height: 76 mm
- Weight: 1.2 kg
Das PRodukt ist in folgender Kategorie zu finden:
Current ProbesProduktgruppen
- Messtechnik
- Prüftechnik
- Labor
- VSWR- Brücken
- EMV- Software
- Antennas + Tripods
- Absorber- Cabins and Rooms
- GTEM-, TEM- Cells, Stripline
- Automotive Pulse - ISO
- Automotive Board Net - LV
- E- Mobility
- Special- Generators (Telecom, Power- Net,...)
- Industry- Pulse
- Harmonics and Flicker
- ESD- Testing
- Magnetic Fields
- RF- Immunity Testsystems
- Amplifiers
- CDN, LISN, Probes, Clamps
- EMC / RF- Accessories, TEKBOX
- AC/DC Quellen-Lasten
- CE-Prüfung
- Vorführgeräte
- Zubehör
- Aktionsprodukte