TABOR PROTEUS High Speed Arbiträr Funktionsgeneratoren

2-12 kanalige High Speed Arbitrary Generatoren mit bis zu 9 GS/s

Proteus provides both state of the art Arbitrary Waveform Generation and optional Arbitrary Waveform Transceiver capability. The system integrates the ability to transmit, receive and perform user-programmable FPGA based digital signal processing and decision making all in a single instrument. Proteus provides key capability for closed loop transceiver applications in aerospace, defense, telecommunications, automotive and physics applications.


The Proteus module takes full advantage of the PXI Express platform. Its core transmit, receive and FPGA processing are enhanced with the addition of high speed data transfer and industry leading channel density (up to 32 channels per 3U 19” chassis).

Model P1282M-P1284M P2582M-P2584M P9082M
Channels 2-4 2-4 2
Max. Sample Clock Rate 1.25 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 9 GS/s
Memory Size 1G-2G-4G 2G-4G-8G 2G-4G-8G
Vertical Resolution 16 bits 16 bits up to 16 bits
Bandwidth 625 MHz 1.25 GHz - 2.5 GHz 4.5 GHz - 7 GHz
Max. Amplitude into 50 Ohm 1.2Vpp 1.2Vpp  
Run Modes Continuous, Trigger, Gate
Remote Programming Full IVI (C++, CVI, LabView), Python & MATLAB drivers and Wave Design Studio
Connectivity PXIe Gen3 x8 Lanes


Provides up to 12 channels of capability, but without a touch screen, saving both space and cost. This compact desktop platform is controlled via an external PC and connectivity to the instrument is provided by 3 x USB HOST, 1 x 10Gbit LAN as standard or Thunderbolt 3, GPIB or 2 x 10Gbit Optical as options.

Model P1282D-P1284D-P1880D-P12812D P2582D-P2584d-P2588D-P25812D P9082D-P9084D-P9086D
Channels 2-12 2-12 2-6
Modes Standard, Arbitrary, Task
Max. Sample Clock Rate 1.25 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 9 GS/s
Memory Size 1G-2G-4G 2G-4G-8G 2G-4G-8G
Vertical Resolution 16 bits 16 bits up to 16 bits
Bandwidth 625 MHz 1.25 GHz - 2.5 GHz 4.5 GHz - 7 GHz
Max. Amplitude into 50 Ohm 1.2Vpp 1.2Vpp  
Run Modes Continuous, Trigger, Gate
Storage Removeable SSD
Remote Programming Full IVI (C++, CVI, LabView), Python & MATLAB drivers and Wave Design Studio
Connectivity 3 x USB HOST, 1 x 10Gbit LAN Std., Thunderbolt 3, GIPB, 2 x 10Gbit Optical Options


The benchtop platform has all the same capability as the modular system, i.e., transmit, receive and user programmable FPGA, but adds a 9” touch screen and an on-board PC creating a fully standalone system. With a maximum channel count of 12 AWT’s it is a compact, self-contained unit, providing waveform creation and sequence programming on the bench.

Model P1282B-P1284B-P1888B-P12812B P2582B-P2584B-P2588B-P25812B P9082B-P9084B-P9086B
Channels 2-12 2-12 2-6
Modes Standard, Arbitrary, Task
Max. Sample Clock Rate 1.25 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 9 GS/s
Memory Size 1G-2G-4G 2G-4G-8G 2G-4G-8G
Vertical Resolution 16 bits 16 bits up to 16 bits
Bandwidth 625 MHz 1.25 GHz - 2.5 GHz 4.5 GHz - 7 GHz
Max. Amplitude into 50 Ohm 1.2Vpp 1.2Vpp  
Run Modes Continuous, Trigger, Gate
Display 9" Touch Color Display
Storage Removeable SSD
Remote Programming Full IVI (C++, CVI, LabView), Python & MATLAB drivers and Wave Design Studio
Connectivity 3 x USB HOST, 1 x 10Gbit LAN Std., Thunderbolt 3, GIPB, 2 x 10Gbit Optical Options
TABOR Proteus Family
TABOR Proteus Benchtop Platform
TABOR Proteus PXI Platform
TABOR Proteus Desktop Platform

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High-Speed GSample Generatoren
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