150 KHz to 230 MHz
Designed specifically for conducted EMC testing, this mismatch tolerant Class A amplifier series is ideally suited to provide power into a CDN for IEC 61000-4-6 conducted susceptibility testing up to and beyond the normal 10 V emf test level. The Class A design ensures a high reliability, low distortion linear performance across the frequency range. This design also ensures that the amplifiers will continue to operate at full power even when presented with an open or short circuit at its output. The units are powered from a switched mode power supply for high efficiency, high power factor and wide voltage range operation. Aiir-cooled with integral fans, and are protected against faulty cooling by excess temperature sensing. Front panel indicators are provided to indicate over-temperature.
- Class A Operation
- Ideal for IEC 61000-4-6 testing
- Mismatch Tolerant & Unconditionally Stable
- USB Remote Control Option
- 3 Year Warranty
CBA230M-035 150 KHz to 230 MHz 35 Watt Class A Solid State Amplifier
CBA230M-080 150 KHz to 230 MHz 80 Watt Class A Solid State Amplifier
Das PRodukt ist in folgender Kategorie zu finden:
Ametek solid state < 1GHzProduktgruppen
- Messtechnik
- Prüftechnik
- Labor
- VSWR- Brücken
- EMV- Software
- Antennas + Tripods
- Absorber- Cabins and Rooms
- GTEM-, TEM- Cells, Stripline
- Automotive Pulse - ISO
- Automotive Board Net - LV
- E- Mobility
- Special- Generators (Telecom, Power- Net,...)
- Industry- Pulse
- Harmonics and Flicker
- ESD- Testing
- Magnetic Fields
- RF- Immunity Testsystems
- Amplifiers
- CDN, LISN, Probes, Clamps
- EMC / RF- Accessories, TEKBOX
- AC/DC Quellen+Lasten
- CE-Prüfung
- Vorführgeräte
- Zubehör
- Aktionsprodukte