GW Instek AEL-5000 AC/​DC Last

AC/​DC-Last mit bis zu 22.5kW im Einzel und bis zu 540kW im Paral­lel­be­trieb

GW Instek laun­ches 20 models of the AEL-5000 series AC/​DC elec­tronic loads depen­ding on the power range. The power range of a single unit is from 1875W to 22500W, and up to 8 units can be connected in parallel. The maximum power of single-phase parallel connec­tion can reach 180kW, and the total power of 3-phase can reach 540kW, which are suitable for UPS, Inverter/​Breaker, AC Power Source, Battery, Fuse/​Breaker, DC Power Source and other appli­ca­tions.

The AEL-5000 series has built-in preci­sion measu­re­ment circuits such as 16-bit A/​D and DSP to provide accu­rate measu­re­ment items, which include voltage root mean square value (Vrms), current root mean square value (Arms), and watt value (Watt), volt-ampere (VA), crest factor (CF), power factor (PF), total harmonic distor­tion (THD), voltage total harmonic distor­tion (VTHD), current total harmonic distor­tion (ITHD) , peak current (Ipeak), maximum current (Amax), minimum current (Amin), maximum voltage (Vmax), minimum voltage (Vmin), time measu­re­ment. In addi­tion, built-in test modes include UPS Effi­ci­ency, PV Inverter Effi­ci­ency, UPS Back-up time, Battery Disch­arge time, UPS transfer time, Fuse/​Breaker Trip/​Non-Trip, short circuit simu­la­tion, OCP, OPP and other test modes.

The AEL-5000 series has the Turbo mode (ON or OFF can be selected) design, which can increase the current and power of the elec­tronic load by 2 times in one second. For test appli­ca­tions that require tran­sient high power and large current such as tran­sient over­load test of protec­tive compo­n­ents or short circuit of Fuse/​Breaker and AC power supply, OCP and OPP tests etc.. The Turbo mode provides the most econo­mical solu­tion.

The AEL-5000 series also supports the Load On startup func­tion (pre-set Load On). When the inverter or unin­ter­rup­tible power supply is turned on, the series directly loads the set load current to verify that whether startup of the inverter or unin­ter­rupted power supply connec­ting to the electrical appli­ance is stable. At the same time, the Load On start func­tion can also set posi­tive half cycle or nega­tive half load to verify whether the output voltage of the inverter or unin­ter­rup­tible power supply remains stable when the actual electrical appli­ance only has a posi­tive half cycle or nega­tive half cycle load current. Control load angle and unload angle can also be set (range 0~359 degrees) to verify the stabi­lity of the tran­sient response of the inverter or unin­ter­rup­tible power supply when the appli­ance is plugged in and unplugged. In addi­tion, the series also supports SCR/​TRIAC current phase modu­la­tion wave­form, 90 degree Trai­ling Edge and Leading Edge settings.

For the appli­ca­tion of the adjus­table band­width (BW) func­tion, when the band­width of the DUT does not match the band­width of the AEL-5000 series, there will be oscil­la­tions. Users can reduce the BW setting value accor­dingly to meet the response speed of the DUT. Inrush Current veri­fies whether the tran­sient response of the inverter output voltage is stable when the electrical appli­ance is turned on (Inrush Current) and when the electrical appli­ance is suddenly connected (Surge Current).

The entire series of AEL-5000 provides over-voltage warning, over-current, over-power, and over-tempe­ra­ture protec­tion. Analog Input terminal can control constant current, constant power and other working modes through external voltage. Vmonitor/​Imonitor terminal is used to connect external voltage/​current moni­to­ring device. In addi­tion, a variety of optional control inter­faces are provided such as GPIB, RS-232, USB, and LAN to meet the needs of system inte­gra­tion.

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AC-DC Last
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