30MHz - 6GHz
The AS30M6G series of dual-band solid-state power amplifiers follow the MILMEGA tradition for compact, upgradeable microwave power amplifier solutions with field-proven reliability. A modular design enables easy in-country service, maintenance and factory upgrades to higher power models. Developed to cover the frequency band 30MHz- 6GHz this GaN-based amplifier produces high P1dB performance with excellent linearity and low harmonics making this series ideal for multiple applications including various EMC standards, Telecoms and Instrumentation testing. Powered from a switched-mode power supply for high efficiency, high power factor and wide voltage range operation. The unit is air-cooled with integral fans and is protected against faulty cooling by excess temperature sensing. A safety interlock connector is provided, which the user can short circuit to ground, to put the amplifier into standby mode. Front panel indicators are provided to indicate over-temperature and RF interlock conditions.
- Class A Operation
- 100% Mismatch Tolerant with no Foldback
- Calibrated Dual Directional Coupler
- Ethernet, USB, RS232 & GPIB Interface
- 5 Year Warranty
AS30M6G-050-050D 30MHz-6.0GHz 50-50 Watt Dual Band Solid State Amplifier
Das PRodukt ist in folgender Kategorie zu finden:
Ametek solid state < 6GHz, Dual BandProduktgruppen
- Messtechnik
- Prüftechnik
- Labor
- VSWR- Brücken
- EMV- Software
- Antennas + Tripods
- Absorber- Cabins and Rooms
- GTEM-, TEM- Cells, Stripline
- Automotive Pulse - ISO
- Automotive Board Net - LV
- E- Mobility
- Special- Generators (Telecom, Power- Net,...)
- Industry- Pulse
- Harmonics and Flicker
- ESD- Testing
- Magnetic Fields
- RF- Immunity Testsystems
- Amplifiers
- CDN, LISN, Probes, Clamps
- EMC / RF- Accessories, TEKBOX
- AC/DC Quellen-Lasten
- CE-Prüfung
- Vorführgeräte
- Zubehör
- Aktionsprodukte